Planning for the Future We Want; not the past we had

What we’re here to offer is one perspective from people who spend a lot of time thinking about how to help others. 
visual comparison between How we want it to be (a straight line from "set a goal" to "achieve it") vs How it is in reality (a line with a haphazard route through many points in between "set a goal" and "achieve it"

In these uncertain times, it’s easy to feel overwhelmed, confused, and maybe even angry. We all react differently—some focus on survival, others scroll endlessly, while some spring into action. But in this moment of crisis, we must ask ourselves: What exactly are we trying to return to? And more importantly, should we?

What we’re here to offer is one perspective from people who spend a lot of time thinking about how to help others. 

While we grieve and navigate the confusion stemming from every news cycle, we must also recognize that we have a unique opportunity to rethink and rebuild the systems that have never fully worked for everyone. This isn’t just about getting back to what it was; it’s about creating a future that serves all of us better.

We are lucky to work with so many changemakers who are committed to creating a better world. As a ‘critical friend’—someone who challenges you to think more deeply while supporting your growth—reflect on whether the systems you’re working to preserve are truly serving everyone. When current systems and structures are torn down, we have an opportunity to rebuild what should have been there in the first place. The truth is our old approaches no longer apply. We dropped the ball after COVID. People were so quick to return to some semblance of normalcy that we accepted systems that didn’t serve all people well. This is not just another moment to wait out; it’s a powerful invitation to create the world we want to live in. It will take effort, but together, we can build something better.

So how do we do it? Evaluators, and other problem-solvers, play a crucial role in times of uncertainty, bringing the skills and perspectives needed to adapt, challenge, and reimagine the world. We can also lean into communities who have honed the expertise, skills, and wisdom to navigate uninvited disruption, adapt in the face of adversity and sustain each other—because they always have. Even more so now, efforts to rebuild systems should center the experiences of people of color, indigenous, LGBTQ+, and other marginalized groups. 

While many of us want to get right to action, this work starts with focusing on how you show up as a leader. It won’t be easy, and it’s certainly not a linear path, but with intentional planning, constant consideration of context, and continual learning, we can all move in the right direction. 

Here are three tools for adaptive action planning to help get you started:

  1. Center yourself- Somatic centering is a practice I started a year ago and cannot do without. Practicing embodiment in periods of low activation helps you to respond more intentionally in periods of high activation and fully show up as your true and authentic self. Check out this short 10 min practice by Prentis Hemphill.
  2. Don’t abandon the idea that all people deserve to participate, prosper and reach their full potential. Our job as leaders is to be intentional about the spaces and places we create to support people towards that end. Before planning any type of engagement, strategy or program, take a pause and ask yourselves these questions from Public Design. 
  3. Quick Read: This article from Harvard Business Review on Toxic Positivity came across my inbox and just the right time. Shed this western idea that we just need to look on the bright side. Consider whether you’re supporting your teams as they build a better world or if you are just trying to ease their fears.

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